
Riserva Naturale Crava Morozzo is a well hidden wetland located in a river valley with really good birding. The reserve is not sánh easy to lớn find if you don’t know the way. This reserve of 300 hectares is protected by LIPU, the Italian BirdLife Partner. It is an oasis of birds in otherwise not to lớn rich bird surroundings. There is a whole series of viewing screens and bird watching hides in the reserve and it is always a surprise what you find here. During migration time anything can turn up here, especially waders and waterbirds. To date, more than vãn 150 different bird species have been seen. Starting fom the parking place after a few hundred meters you arrive at a dam. Check the tall trees on the opposite side of the river here for Pirol. On the dam itself look for Eisvogel and Waldwasserläufer. Turn left at the dam and from there you walk the main trail through the nature reserve. Nice birds you can find are Purpurreiher , Rohrdommel, Zwergdommel, Stelzenläufer and Nachtreiher. You pass various ponds, bird hides and viewing screens. The reserve is not very big, but you can easily spend a whole morning here.



A good place to lớn enter the reserve is the parking right next to lớn the gas station "Gazzola Carburanti" in the village of Morozzo. Click on the P.. in the map to lớn get directions. On this desolate parking lot you cannot imagine that there is a nature reserve nearby somewhere. But walk to lớn the rear of the parking and a path zigzags down into the reserve. The reserve is open year round from dawn to lớn dusk and the entrance is miễn phí. The only way to lớn explore the reserve is by foot.

Terrain und Habitat

Wald , Feuchtgebiet , Fluss , See


Flach , Hügelig , Sumpfig

Ist ein Spektiv nützlich?

Möglicherweise hilfreich

Gute Beobachtungszeit


Beste Beobachtungszeit

Frühjahr , Frühjahrszug , Herbstzug


Normaler Weg , Schmaler Pfad , unbefestigte Straße

Schwierigkeitsgrad der Tour


Beobachtungshütten oder -türme


Zusätzliche Informationen

Best time to lớn visit is the early morning when it's tranquil and full of birds. After 10 o'clock dayvisitors arrive (not many) and bird activity drops. There is a small visitor center with a café, but the opening hours are infrequent. A telescope is not really necessary, because most of the time you are close to lớn the birds. But there are also some hides where a scope can be helpful.

Alle auf Birdingplaces veröffentlichten Beobachtungsgebiete in der Nähe anzeigen.